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1958 Woodworth Lake Scout Reservation
1958 Woodworth Lake Scout Reservation
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1990 Sabattis Scout Reservation - Beavers  
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2004 Sabattis Scout Reservation - Staff CSP

2004 Sabattis 3 Islands-3 Mountains
2004 Sabattis 3 Islands-3 Mountains


2004 Sabattis 3 Islands-3 Mountains
Description: 2004 3 Islands/3 Mountains patch and wedges. In an effort to get more campers out to the woods and waters in and around the camp, they began this promotion in 2004. (The 3 Islands refers to three of the main islands in the main lake at camp, Low's Lake, that were owned by the Council when they first purchased the property. With the sale of much of the lake area to New York State in 1984, including the "3 Islands," we no longer own them, but part of the purchase agreement is that our Council has exclusive camping rights on those islands. When the camp developed sufficiently to split into two separate camps within a camp, one was named "3 Islands Camp.")
Date: 03.12.2009 16:30
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File size: 276.3 KB
Added by: MRomeo

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1990 Sabattis Scout Reservation - Beavers  
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2004 Sabattis Scout Reservation - Staff CSP



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